Chat Program With Php

Chat Program With Php Average ratng: 4,3/5 1699votes
Chat Program With Php

Step by Step Tutorial on How To Create Chat Application in PHP. This article is a tutorial on how to create a simple chat application that uses AJAX to send and receive live messages entered in a chat box without having to reload the page.

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- Lio Mayer (2018-06-19 09:07) teststsafd. - 0 replies 35. - Isa Qasimov (2018-05-09 13:07) ADSASD. - 0 replies 34. - David Amirkhanov (2018-05-08 07:52) 45g5g.

- 0 replies 33. - haitham bayoud (2018-04-13 11:45) ننن.

- 0 replies 32. - Mark Seimen Payuran (2018-04-07 09:21) HP Chat System Tutor. - 0 replies 31.

- ALIMUHAMAD (2018-03-24 10:48) good. - 0 replies 30. - Hamza (2018-03-22 17:23) sss. - 0 replies Trackbacks (0) PHP Chat System Tutor.

That's a very nice tutorial & very helpful indeed. I think this is the most attractive looking web based chat I have ever see. However I have some problems installing this chat program. In my pc(localhost) that chat program is working fine after changing values in db.class.php and inserting the database. But in my webserver( the chat program isn't working. I have done the same thing that I did with my localhost. I think my web server do not support mysqli.

Because couple of monts ago I tried make a simple database connection with mysqli but it did not work. When I changed it with mysql_connet It Worked! Previously I could see my web server information by putting phpinfo() but now they have turned it off for security reason. I think I did not see myqli driver installed on my webserver. I told them to install mysali, PHP:PDO etc driver but they simply denied for security reason. If you can give me a suggestion what to do then it would be helpful.

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