Canon Copier Pc 775 Manual High School

This product was an example of the old saying, 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is.' It took a lot of work before I was able to install it into my Canon copier. First the plastic tab you have to pull to open the cartridge for copying broke and only with the aid of a pair of needle nose pliers was I able to grab it and pull. Obviously a poor design to begin with.
Canon PC170 Pdf User Manual Epson Scanner 010f Driver Windows 7. s. View online or download Canon PC170 Operator's Manual, Install Manual, Technical Information. Canon u.s.a.,inc. Shall not be held liable for errors contained herein, or for lost profits, lost opportunities, consequential or incidental damages incurred as a result of acting on information, or the operation of any software, included in this software site.
Then after installing it I copied a document. If black is your favorite color you would have loved it since the copy and several more I ran were totally black. I messed with the adjustments on the Canon to no avail. Finally I removed the cartridge, put it into the box it came in along with all the papers and threw it into the trash.
Then I did what I should have done it the first place.I went to and ordered a cartridge from Costco. Driver Stampante Epson Aculaser Cx17 Software. I ordered a 'refilled' cartridge from Costco and it works perfectly. Further, had it not worked a three mile trip for me to Costco would have been all that was required for a refund. Do not waste your money on buying this product. This product was an example of the old saying, 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is.' It took a lot of work before I was able to install it into my Canon copier. First the plastic tab you have to pull to open the cartridge for copying broke and only with the aid of a pair of needle nose pliers was I able to grab it and pull.
Obviously a poor design to begin with. Then after installing it I copied a document. If black is your favorite color you would have loved it since the copy and several more I ran were totally black. I messed with the adjustments on the Canon to no avail. Finally I removed the cartridge, put it into the box it came in along with all the papers and threw it into the trash. Then I did what I should have done it the first place.I went to and ordered a cartridge from Costco.
I ordered a 'refilled' cartridge from Costco and it works perfectly. Further, had it not worked a three mile trip for me to Costco would have been all that was required for a refund. Do not waste your money on buying this product. While not a high end unit, my Canon 400 copier works great for me. I got it when I retired from teaching, 13 years ago, and it's been a real convenience over the years.
While I no longer have a need for a 'high end' copier that can do almost anything, I do need an occasional copy. In May the quality of the copies went downhill, and each attempt produced two heavy black bands and very little else. I didn't think it was the toner cartridge, because black was being produced. I cleaned everything, following the directions in the rarely used manual that came with the copier.
After a week of frustration and no copies, I decided that maybe it was the toner, and ordered yours. Driver Epson Lx-300 Windows 10 64 Bit. I installed the new/compatible cartridge and crossed my fingers. Perfect copies once again!
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