Canon Ir3300 Hdd Software Tools
How to Install & Configure Canon ScanGear Tool. Setting it up to enable the Canon copiers to be able to scan directly from the copy machine to the computer.
E602 Sub Code 0003. At times, a sector error occurs when the power is turned off while data is being written to the HDD. This will indicate 'E602-0003' and prevent the machine from entering service mode.

Workaround: A function similar to 'HD-Check (0)' of service mode has been added on latest version of BOOT ROM flash upgrades. To execute this mode, hold down the '1' and '9' keys on the keypad for approximately 6-8 seconds. A flashing block will show in the top left corner of the LCD. Normally, 'HD-Check' lasts about 15-20 minutes, and ends if no fault is encountered or specific sectors have automatically been repaired bringing up DOWNLOAD MODE on the LCD. DO NOT STOP ONCE STARTED. Install Hp Officejet 6500 Printer Without Disk. In certain cases, 'HD-Check' can take longer than 15-20 minutes.
It could take up to 2 hours and sometimes the machine can hang in this mode and will never complete. You activate the HD_chk by holding down the 1 & 9 while turning the main power on.
If it does not complete then the hard drive MUST be replaced. If it does complete, the information on the hard drive might still be unusable and you may need to reload the system. Virtually the entire program that runs this machine is stored on the hard drive NOT eproms. If you format the hard drive without reloading then the copier will not work. It would be like formating the hard drive on your computer and then wondering why it wont boot up anymore. The system CD does not contain the service support tool, but that is irrelevent.
You need the service support tool AND the system software. PM me with your email address and if I'm in a good mood I'll dropload the files to you. Thanks Beaker 020 the error code allowed entering service mode and I start (0) in HDD Check it run about 75 minutes and finish successfully. After turn off/on machine work fine.
Your file was very helpful. By the way I have SST 125 on CD but when I start setup.exe it gives me error corrupted file. Download Aplikasi Anti Virus Untuk Hp Nokia 7610. On the same CD is System V9.04, Test print tool, Utility software, SM, PC but none exe. File isn’t work. I can use only pdf. I’m reedy to buy new CD if anyone offers. Best regards, Costa,KONI-COPY.
This is the file which contains the descriptor information for each HDD registered fot he Canon model. The naming of these files is important to understand as you will need to track these files down when you want to format non-standard HDD's. IRMod el: This will be the model desi gnati on for the unit. I R2200 for exampl e. IRXX XX files are encry pted. XX: A do ub le X ap p ea rs i n th is p os it io n fo r al l su ch fi l es. Xx: Th is is th e la ng ua ge de si gn at or fo r th e fi rm wa re fi le s.
Si nc e th e HD D fi le is un iv er sa l th is is al wa ys xx. ### #: Thi s is a ver sio n num ber whi ch wil l cor res pon d to the fir mwa re ver sio n num ber you see in the SST. HDFor mat: The type of file which is alway s HDFor mat for the HDD Desri ptor file..i ft: Th e W in do ws fi le ty pe.
Th is is us ed fo r al l Ca no n Fi rm wa re fi le s. The SST pro vid es the abi lit y to pro per ly for mat new har d dri ves or ref orm at cor rup ted har d dri ves in Can on Ima geR UNN ERs. Sometimes you will try to format a drive and will receive a message advising you that the unit has an invalid disk installed. This me ss ag e in di ca te s th atth e Im ag eR UN NE R ha s a n on -s t an d ar d HD D i ns t al l edan d t heSS T d oe s no t re co g ni zeit. When you load the firmware for a Canon device into the SST part of the information provided is a list of valid hard drive de si gn at io ns fo r th e mo de l.