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A Malaysian endocrinologist, Dr Lim Ee Lin, is part of a clinical research team at Newcastle University which has discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed, carried out the study as part of her postgraduate doctoral degree is working with the team led by Professor Roy Taylor. You may read the above report at Newcastle University website at the following link: Finally medical science is discovering what already knew and have been. However we at Dreamteamwellness belief that for long term sustainability, that must be a lifestyle adjustment and that is what is all about. Do you know any love one who is suffering from diabetes 2 and want to break from this lifelong (chronic) bondage and want to break free?
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After 45 days of the program, i managed to lose those unwanted fat and the rest they says is history. [youtube=I hope you will find some useful materials and info from this site and we would love to hear from you. P.S: My kiasu husband who “TAG” along the program lost 7+ Kg 🙂. Node Js Php Serialize Json there.